im trying to fill up my blog so it doesnt look boring so if you see random things here and there... thats why! I dont really now what in supposed to do on this text thing soooo WELCOME TO MY BLOG, comment if you please browse if you wish and ENNNJOYY :D

Thursday 6 October 2011

my mission

we have just got a challenge from ms L. challenge is to write about five things we have to do this week/next week! i have quite a bad memory so this could turn out a little bit of a fail :L
no.1  do geography project (yawn)
no.2  buy a black sheet because in home EC we had to dye a sheet black and it turned out brown, wouldn't mind but its not even a nice brown :L
no.3 practice getting a corset over my head for my future modeling career (in home EC)
no.4 do the fun walk ;D woooooo
no.5 ok so i dont reallly have any thing else like important so im just going to ramble on and protend that this is something magerly important even though its really not oh acctually i no, so in science yesterday my teacher was complaing aout education and then he gave us a logic puzzel thing and he said that the first person to finish it gets to bars.... i finished t so hopefully if i fingd him ill get those two bars and contiue having a plessurable day :) oh yess oh yess  
spell check isnt working so sorry for the speling :L

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